Most guys get lap dances because our idiot friends buy them for us. It's an embarrassing but also really fun experience and hopefully you aren't too intoxicated to enjoy it to its fullest. But how do you get one on your own?
A Few Things To Know
First of all, know how much it's going to cost. If you've never paid for one yourself, ask. And make sure you've got the money ready. You should also know how long it's going to be. At a typical strip club, a lap dance lasts as long as a song - or until the DJ starts fading it out prematurely!
You also need to know the house rules. Most places don't allow you to touch the dancer. You've got to sit on your hands, and if you suddenly lose control and start groping, they'll show you the door. Some places allow some touching though, so make sure you understand the rules.
Getting The Dance
When you want a lap dance, all you have to do is walk up to a stripper and ask about it. Don't be shy; it's a regular thing here. It's not like you're going up to a girl at a regular bar and asking them to dance for you. The dancers are professionals.
In fact, strippers like it if you get straight to the point. Open up by saying hi and chatting for a second, and then get straight to the point. Tell her you'd like to buy a lap dance and she'll take it from there.
Getting Into It
When the dancer is doing her thing, go ahead and look at her. It's intended to be visual entertainment, so enjoy. Most dancers like it if you smile and get into it. They also watch your eyes to decide what part of their body to play with.
One thing you don't want to do is be a total cold fish. Don't just zone out and stare into space. Lots of guys do this because by that time of the night they're so wasted they can't do much else. Dancers hate that, so relax
There's just one more tip if you're going to the strip club anticipating a lap dance. Make sure you're dressed nicely and well groomed. No dancer wants to entertain a guy in dirty sweatpants. Make it as pleasant as possible for her and she'll make it fun for you.
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